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*** ONLINE TALK EVENT *** April's event is BOOKING NOW

WEDNESDAY 5 APRIL @ 8PM - Pre-Performance Preparation & getting ready to ride

Struggling to focus on your riding? Bored with your standard commuting ride? Still thinking about work on the ride home?

If you’re in a rush to get on the road, drinking your tea and chewing a piece of toast as you cram your helmet on and try to remember where you left the key, your head's NOT in the game and you’re more likely to be caught out by the random hazards you encounter as you ride!

What we all need to avoid riding on autopilot is a Pre-Performance routine. This is a straightforward mental warm-up that helps us switch our focus to the task of riding the bike. This helps us to ensure that we set off on the bike in a positive and focused frame of mind.

I'll also discuss what's sometimes called a 'Psych Plan'. The idea is to prepare ourselves for any reasonable eventuality, so that we can deal with potential emergencies as rapidly and effectively as possible.

Riding a bike isn't all about technical ability - in fact, it's our mental abilities that allow us to use our practical riding skills to the best advantage. That's where Sports Psychology can give us a real advantage.

And so during the talk, I'll offer up some simple and easy-to-use routines straight from the science of sports to help you get your head in the right place and get your 'race face' on ready to face the world on two wheels.


There are limited seats available. If you can't make the talk live, it's available on CATCH-UP for approximately 72 hours.

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